The Voice of Pity for South America, 1861
Patagonian or South American Missionary Society
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London: Wertheim & Macintosh, 24, Parternoster Row and 23 Halles Street, Cavendish Square. Edinburgh: W. P. Kennedy. Glasgow: D. Bryce. Dublin: G. H. Herbert. Bristol: I. E. Chillcott. Clifton: B. P. Shepherd. Nottingham: Dunn and son
Ookokoowenché / Ookokko-aye / Ookokko / Ukoku / Ookok (representante yagan) , Carmen de Patagones , Johann Friedrich Hunziker , isla Keppel , Phonetic Bible , Lota , Arauco , Allen W. Gardiner , Buenos Aires , río Bío-Bío , Williches / Huilliches , Puelches , Williches and Puelches / Indians from the plains , Araucanians , Gran Chaco , Santiago de Quichua , Guarani , Quichua / Kichwa , Bolivia , Gato (baile) , Cam-ma-len-na / Cammallenna / Cammalenna / Camilenna (representante yagan, asociada a Ookokoowenché / Ukoku) , Cam-ma-len-na / Cammallenna / Cammalenna / Cammilenna / Camilenna (representante yagan, asociada a Ookokoowenché / Ukoku) , Doxology in Tekeenica , Pallillowa / Winka / Englishmen , Woollya / Woollyah / Wulaia , Theophilus Schmid , The Copaniscolas (Ookokowenché, Cammilenna & son) , The Araucanians by Edmond Reuel Smith , Lucca / Luccaenché / Lucca-wenché (representante yagan) , Schow-loo-a / Orundelicone / Jemmy Button / James Button , Shwymuggins / Schwy (representante yagan) , Macool-wence / Macalwensé / Macualwenché / Macall (representante yagan) , Macuallan / Macoollan / Macool / Tom (representante yagan) , Chon de Casimiro , Pedro Siloci (representante chon) , Watchy / Watchee / Guaichi (representante chon) , Captain Jack (representante chon) , A son of 'Maria' (representante chon) , Walleechu / Gualichu , Gaucho , Yaccomosh / yekamush / doctor , Hah—yang—how—yi—ya—say / Men come—many come—sing much , Hawa—hya—gya—owaticca loopen-wota weneewan / Then yaccomosh (doctor) is beaten on head—‘tell lie,' say live—no live—die—man put on much black face , Chon / Tsoneca / Patagonian Grammar (language) , Tekeenica language , Mapuzugun / Araucanian language , Chum péchy nai / Who knows / Quién sabe (mapuzugun) , Malven , Chilenos , Chumalco (estero / stream) , Wallmapu / país mapuche , Burmese language / lengua birmana (Myanmar, Bangladesh) , Waucinnbaccaloo-men / Waucinnbaccaloo (estación yagan) , Lywallagetli (yagan, hermano de Ookokoowenché) , Cungo-chuntzes (yagan de Wulaia) , Williches, Muluches, Picuntos / Western side of the Andes , Pewenches, Puelches, Chuelches / on the Eastern side of the Andes , Ellis Phonetic System